Woman hugging child.

I wouldn’t let abuse hurt my family. This is how I built a safer space

South Africa

The dining room is quiet, scratching pencils and sighs the only sounds to punctuate the homework session. From the kitchen, the smell of baking bread waltzes through, tapping the kids on the shoulder to remind them that tea-time draws near. In many homes across South Africa, tackling essays and algebra after school does not play out in peace. Thousands of children are filled with dread, expecting the worst from abusive family members. But at the House of Mercy, Daphne Oliphant cares for children the way they deserve to be treated. 

After witnessing the ramifications of abuse and abandonment in her own family, Oliphant  realised that their story was only one thread in an awful tapestry, and that there were countless children who needed help. So she invited them into her home, and hasn’t closed her doors since. That was over 20 years ago. With her non-profit organisation, Oliphant not only provides support for kids’ education, but also their wellbeing. After attending to the basic needs of those who come into her care, she addresses elements of mental health. The initiative offers counselling to help children begin their journey of emotional healing. Nurturing the talents in each child, Oliphant encourages them to explore their innate creativity and give voice to things that have been silenced. 

Oliphant is a mother to all, dedicated to restoring an understanding of love and family for children from broken homes. Biology is only one factor in determining relation to others; kinship can be found among friends and community members. While healing from abuse can be a complex and lifelong journey, Oliphant is fully committed to those who pass through her home. “My goal is for the children to achieve their goal, to reach their dreams, to achieve what they never thought they could achieve in their life, and to be happy,” she says. Her selflessness has seen their lives changed forever.

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