Old white man sitting in the cinema.

Know what you want and work like hell at doing it

South Africa

Tim Spring is a master of capturing life in motion. With a decades-long career in the film industry, Spring has established himself as one of South Africa’s most courageous directors, a storyteller whose message transcends his medium. Today he has turned his focus to teaching, imparting the fundamental principles of filmmaking to students born into a time where technology has broken down the traditional barriers to entry into the film industry.

Spring’s career in film started early. After finishing school, he started working on sets as an editor and camera assistant. He was involved in the making of The Magic Garden, the first South African film with an all-black cast. Shot in Alexandra, the film starred Dolly Rathebe and Tommy Ramokgopa. Since those early days, Spring has directed five feature films and 16 television drama series. 

There has never been a more exciting time to be a visual storyteller. Information, access and equipment are more accessible than they have ever been. Spring’s days behind the camera are done, but he continues to share his passion and wisdom with developing talent. A fixture at City Varsity, he lectures film and television directing, sharing his knowledge with a generation born to make movies.

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