Why a buffalo’s memory is sharper than its horns
He stands behind the tall swaying grass, waiting. Metres away, a young lion has no idea that he’s being watched – and no recollection of chasing this buffalo years ago. But the buffalo hasn’t forgotten. When the wind dies down, and the oxpeckers on his back go silent, the buffalo charges. Startled, the lion takes off, sending the birds into the skies with an echo of his anger. After a brief chase, the buffalo gives in and the lion makes away with his life. But the king of the jungle has learnt a valuable lesson. Buffalos never forgive.
One of the most dangerous animals in the Big Five, African buffalos have powerful horns and can run as fast as 59 kilometres per hour. Their agility is further enhanced by their sharp mind. Able to remember predators and hunters even years after being threatened, buffalos aren’t afraid to attack. But they plan their course with precision. Without giving so much as a hint of trouble, these animals follow their opponents and surprise them with brute strength.
Sadly, this fierce nature won’t protect them. While hunters refer to them as ‘Black Death,’ the International Union for the Conservation of Nature regards buffalos as near threatened due to their declining populations. Regardless of their character, these animals don’t deserve to die for our greed. The only way we can win with them is by leaving them where they belong – on the golden plains of the savannah.
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