He’s rescuing 150 farm animals in honour of his mother
Christopher Vane’s sanctuary runs on acceptance. With his husband, he opened a refuge for abused and abandoned farm animals, taking in any creatures from pigs and cows to a tortoise. As animals grow old and reach the end of their commercially productive life for farmers, they are usually slaughtered or sold as pets. But at the Little Bear Sanctuary in Florida, Vane gives them the chance to live in freedom – all in honour of his mother.
“The greatest lesson my mother taught me was love and compassion,” Vane says. She passed on prior to him realising his dreams of opening his initiative. The sanctuary is named after Vane’s mother, Ursula, which means ‘little bear’ in Latin. Recognising the plight of farm animals, Vane became a veterinary technician and has cared for over 150 creatures at the property. “I love my work here at Little Bear because I get to save an animal from a very bad place and give them a forever home,” he says.
Vane advocates for people to understand animals on a deeper level, and to appreciate each one for its personality and characteristics. “Animals feel joy, they get sad,” he says. “They’re like us, they just speak a different language.” By celebrating their uniqueness, he hopes to encourage people to see the value of their lives beyond use. Continuing his mother’s legacy of kindness, Vane is creating a space of empathy for all creatures.
Footage and photos by Christopher Vane were used in the creation of this film.
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