Beautiful News - Voice of Stray Dogs

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Previously abused and unwanted, over 900 dogs find love at this sanctuary in India


It all began in 2009 when software engineer Rakesh Shukla brought home his first dog. As he slowly gained the trust of the timid animal, he discovered an affinity for canines. While he bonded with Kavya, Shukla became increasingly alert to the distressed dogs around him. “Stray dogs in India face an incredibly harsh life,” he says. “Just because a dog doesn’t have a home doesn’t mean they don’t deserve to live.” His purpose became clear. Three years down the line, Shukla began running out of space as his house filled with animals unwanted because of their age or health. And so Shukla bought a farm where today over 900 permanent residents live in peace and comfort.

His sanctuary, Voice of Stray Dogs, is a place of safety and belonging for rejected canines. Shukla is not discerning in who he rescues. The old, the abused, the injured, and abandoned, as well as canines who have been retired from police services are all welcome here. “These are really dogs with no home and no hope,” Shukla says. But they will never be euthanised for a lack of space or money. Instead, they can roam among trees, parks, and even a hydrotherapy pool, and receive the affection of dedicated caregivers. “We are building a system where these dogs come to us and live with us for the rest of their lives,” Shukla says. 

With a fully equipped hospital in Bengaluru, they have provided over 250 000 free treatments to dogs from across the country. Some have arrived in seemingly dire conditions, only to bounce back through the tireless care and attention of Shukla’s team. At this sanctuary, dogs who may have otherwise been given up on are offered the time, space, and compassion that any animal deserves. “Watching them grow and fight for their life inspires me to fight for them,” Shukla says. “All they want is someone to love them.”

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