Man performing a trick on a motorbike

Three decades on the bike. A lifetime of freedom

South Africa

Brian Capper rocks onto his back wheel and down, reminding himself that he’s still in control. A rush of adrenalin floods through his body, filling his muscles with purpose. He launches into the kick, and his bike surges up the Moses Mabhida Stadium Arch. Backed by three decades of stunt-biking experience, Capper ascends the 550 arduous steps to the 105-metre-high peak of the arch. His prize for taunting gravity? A glorious moment at the top of Durban.

But the accomplished feat means more than a beautiful view – it’s emblematic of a life dedicated to defying the odds. Capper began his relationship with motorbikes when he was just 9 years old. His dreams were as big as only a child’s can be: Why shouldn’t he make a career out of motorsport? At first others found amusement in young Capper’s wishful thinking, but as he grew older their responses hardened from jovial to cynical, and then condescending. Never mind – Capper chose to be the master of his own destiny despite the critics, refusing to allow them any foothold in his life. His zeal bore fruit. 

Today he is South Africa’s Most Diverse Rider. He has claimed 10 South African Championships in Supermoto and Trial Biking, as well as a coveted Roof of Africa win and multiple top 10 finishes. Now 38, Capper continues to challenge himself in the sport he loves. With trial or stunt biking now a staple in his professional duties, he finds renewed excitement tackling mega-stunts like his Moses Mabhida summit. The critics have been quieted. Capper maintained his childish optimism – and flourished. Cynics don’t go down in history, except as antagonists highlighting the brilliance of those who force their dreams down from the heavens and into reality.

*Some of the footage in this film was used courtesy of the Red Bull Content Pool


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