Group of black South Africans in traditional wear.

The tour guide leading the way for community upliftment

South Africa

They dance, laugh, and embrace. Though they’ve never met before and might not see each other again, community members of Cape Town’s informal settlements are sharing touching experiences with tourists. In these townships, there are myriad problems from unemployment to poor healthcare and lack of housing. Not enough money goes towards creating or finding solutions. With this in mind, Xolani Maseko is pursuing a livelihood that uplifts people’s conditions and lives. 

Maseko is a guide for Uthando Tours, a non-profit travel agency. “We offer authentic experiences of almost all the townships in Cape Town,” he says. The money made from the tours funds over 40 community projects in every corner of the Mother City. This ranges from communal gardens, to education facilities, skills development workshops, and music and dance classes. Tourists get to visit these programmes to gain a deeper insight into these investments and the people behind them. 

Since he began leading tours in 2012, Maseko has improved his knowledge, skills, and understanding of the world, as well as his family’s financial situation. Now, he seeks to do the same for others. “The life-changing experiences are not only for us but for the travellers that come into South Africa,” he says. Maseko aids in expanding tourist’s perspectives while showcasing the cultural diversity and natural beauty of our country. “There’s always a way to do what you love and make a positive contribution,” Maseko says.

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