
This woman gives stray dogs something to live for. Because she can’t let the animals down

South Africa

Lindie Rossouw is doing her usual rounds. She’s looking for stray dogs, and pet owners who need help. The community knows her well. As the field-worker for Aniwell, a dog haven, her phone rings constantly. There is an endless throng of stray dogs that need help. And there are as many owners who need assistance caring for the animals.

She’s not the SPCA, yet Rossouw still receives calls in the middle of the night. But every time she gets swarmed by dogs excited to see her she knows exactly why she does this. Her white bakkie always has paws on board, and the dogs of Aniwell know that with it come toys and treats. Rossouw isn’t just keeping them alive – she’s giving them a life. Advocating for the wellbeing of animals has been the mission at Aniwell since the NPO was started in 2009.

Aniwell’s volunteers get no money for their incredible work, but Rossouw loves what she does. “The community is very poor, but the people are friendly. And grateful,” she says. And she knows just how heavily the people and animals of the area depend on her. It’s what keeps her going. We are stronger when we come together, animals and all.

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