Why lions are the only big cats who take pride in teamwork
In the scorching grasslands, lions overcome with lethargy relax under the shade of trees. Other animals may remain alert and on their hooves, but these big cats are anything but lazy. By the time the sun sets, they have conserved enough energy to run, pounce, and attack unsuspecting prey. Felids have all they need to survive in solitude, but lions are the only cats who live in social groups. While they may be at the top of the food chain, lions stay with their prides – and it makes all the difference to ensuring their success in the wild.
Lionesses hunt in groups to increase their chances of a kill. They set out to ambush herds of zebra and wildebeest by encircling them from several directions. But when the dry season approaches, their usual prey migrate and lions are left with bigger animals to feast their eyes on. Their ambitious menu consists of elephants, buffalo, and giraffes. These are sizable portions even for lions, but it’s a challenge they won’t back down from. In Botswana, lions have been documented singling out elephants before the inevitable attack. Lions in game reserves have also been known to devise tactics that lure giraffes onto roads, causing them to slip and fall on the asphalt. This gives them enough time to claw into their victim.
Large prey isn’t the only hurdle lions need to conquer together. Prides stay in trios or groups of up to 30 members, most of which are lionesses with a few males. The females are either sisters or cousins, and they maintain a close bond while rearing their cubs. It’s unlikely that prides will welcome other lions, but this doesn’t deter outsiders. Often, male lions will challenge others to steal their resources or take over their pride. It’s up to the males in the group to meet their match and defend themselves and their territory. Even the king of the savannah needs its pride to survive. While lions have sheer strength and power, it’s teamwork that crowns their triumphs.
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